♡ The UK Arrival - Maybelline Baby Lips

August 12, 2013

After a long wait, Maybelline Babylips have finally make an appearance in the UK. Housed within colourful packaging and retailing for only £2.99 each, these new balms are a fun and youthful addition. For such an inexpensive product the ingredients are pretty substantial as all contain vitamin E, honey, shea butter and aloe. As a result these balms are smooth to apply and work wonders as a quick fix for dry lips. However, as they all also contain petroleum, once the lip balm wears off your lips, so do the effects. Like with most petroleum based products, these lean more towards the type of balm that can dry your lips out further, though unless you have badly chapped lips, I haven't found this too much of a problem.

Cherry Me | Hydrate | Peach kiss
Currently, there are 6 Baby Lips available in the UK, 3 clear, (all containing SPF), and 3 tinted. The tint is however very sheer, I've found Peach Kiss to be hardly detectable on my lips, though Cherry Me does give a nice wash of colour that perks up my lips just enough, whilst still looking natural. They also all smell quite nice which makes them just that little bit more fun to apply. As the names suggest, Cherry Me is cherry scented, Peach Kiss is peach scented and the clear Hydrate is scented with Lemon and Basil. 

If i'm honest, I won't be declaring Maybelline's Baby Lips one of my favorite lip balms anytime soon, though the light tint and sweet fruity scents makes them a welcome addition to my stash and a great product to throw in your bag or pocket for a quick fix. 

Have you tried any of the Baby Lips yet? What do you think?

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  1. I have the Cherry one, and I really like it for summer because its just a nice tint, and a decent amount of colour. I just chuck it in my purse for an easy sheer lip colour. Didn't realize they weren't in the UK yet !

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

  2. This is exciting for you guys! We've had Baby Lips in Canada for probably a year now, but I've never purchased my own. I've heard mixed reviews so I wasn't in a rush to buy any. At least they have cute packaging :)


  3. I always see people raving about them, but I'm just not a tinted lip balm fan! I like lip stains or lip butters! I either just want color, or want super moisture! haha!

  4. Have wanted to try these for such a long time, so glad they're now available in the UK! xxx

    Heels Forever

  5. I'm such a lip balm fiend and these are so cute, definitely trying these out! :)

  6. I havent tried these ones, since they are not available in the Netherlands. very annoying since i hear everybody talk about it on blogs.
    xx Stephanie (www.stephaniesstyleblog.blogspot.com)

  7. I don't see the appeal of these lips balms in all honesty. I might give them a try, but my higher end lip balms will always beat these!


  8. Can't wait to try these now that they're in the U.K and I know about it!
    Jenny x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  9. I really really really REALLY want to try these! I see them everywhere and they're tempting me with their great packaging! So colorful! I really want to try the Peach Kiss one xx

    Justine | BRIGHTON DREAM

  10. If you think about it, 2.99 is a bit steep for a lip balm really... But I gues because it's got the maybelline brand name it's going to have a higher price tag!!

    Love your blog by the way

  11. I am quite intrigued about these as everybody seems to be talking about them, I prefer a bit more colour myself though!

    Emily / Glittery Teacups

  12. I really want to try these out! :)


  13. I must admit I can't get excited about these, they have a ridiculous amount of hype for what I can tell to just be a tinted lip balm. I do like the concept, but I'm already happy with my ones from Burts Bees! x

  14. I have one of these baby lips.. and it works so well.. <3
    anw thank you so much for visiting my blog..
    do you want to follow each other? on bloglovin or GFC maybe?
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  15. The last thing I need is another lip balm, but these look great, so colourful! Thanks for the little review, adore your blog! xx

  16. havent tried them yet, but defently need to!

  17. I've seen these everywhere at the moment, they look fab!

    Lyndsay xx | Fizzy Peaches ♡

  18. Great post, I bought some of these recently, and I love them. I agree they don't last that long, but at least they have such lovely scents to make up for it :)
    Carrie:Brighton xx

  19. Love them so much!

  20. When I found them the other week and get very excited :P loved the 3 for 2 offer so made the most of that :) they are great to just throw in your bag for the day :)

    Katie xx | Katies World

  21. I can not wait to try this out!


  22. I was so excited about these but i thought they were just a bit average. oh well you can't really complain for £2.99! i'm really enjoying your blog at the moment, your photos are beautiful!



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